I can’t drive just yet, so I’m not a part of the 48% of teens who say they’ve been in a crash due to texting and driving. I am a big texter, although I don’t know the exact amount I’m sure it’s a part of the statistics of teens that say over 100 a day. I used to be big on social media, keeping everyone up-to-date, but I’ve found in recent years that there is no reason for it. I simply don’t have the time for it. I know that things aren’t safe online so I usually keep to myself when it comes to giving out my information. I know, not everything is bad about the internet. You can connect with friends and family, complete assignments, play with entertainment, and much more. Knowing now that anyone can see my information simply by looking at my digital footprint, helps me realize that I need to keep a positive look of myself. I would love to go to a big four year university, so anything that would help get me there is worth taking advantage of. I know that by me keeping a positive view of myself online, I would have a better chance of getting what I desire. After learning about cyber bullying, I know to not have these things happen, or ways to prevent these occurrences from happening. I also know now that if you make the choice to cyber bully, that criminal charges could be pressed.
Digital Citizenship