Why Not at Home?

Animal dissections are used in school because they are a good hands-on experience for students.They teach a lot about where body parts are and what they could be used for. I don’t know of many students who would do this type of work at home, and I’m not suggesting anyone to; but this type of work is very vital if you wanted to be in a health career. It is good to know a little bit about functions and where stuff is before you get to college. These are just a few… good reasons why dissections are used in school.

Burning Chocolate

During my project I learned that Vanilla chocolate melts at a faster rate than Milk, Dark, Special Dark, and Air Delight chocolates. One of the best things I liked about the project was that we got to eat all of the extra “samples”. The only thing I wish I knew more about was the melting times of each chocolate. Since we only got to do the experiment once; the results could have been a incident.

The Great Mauna Loa

One of the earth’s biggest volcanoes is located on the the Hawaiian islands named the Mauna Loa. The words “Mauna Loa” means “long mountain”. Mauna is also one of the worlds most active volcanoes. So as long as weathering is making the volcano smaller, the eruptions are making the volcano bigger balancing out the two.

The “Creator”

Everyone has their own opinion, but I believe our God created earth. If the “Big Bang Theory” is true, then how was such material created? What caused the “bang”? How long did it take? Could it happen again? These are questions that make me doubtful about the theory.

Genesis 1:1 states:
God created the heavens and (Earth).

Knowing the Lab and It’s Equipment

I think it is important to know lab safety and lab equipment. If danger strikes and you don’t know where everything is, it’s a bit of a problem. It is also a problem not knowing what something does…if there is a fire, you obviously don’t need test tubes. A fire extinguisher or fire blanket is more than likely best. This is why I believe this subject is important.