Already, this year is shaping up to be a good one. I’ve made new friends, trained for my athletics events, and gotten some “welcoming” grades to help prepare me for the next four weeks. I’ve learned so much this first week of school and I’m really excited to see what it will hold. The band is going to be great, we’ve worked really hard. English will be very amusing since I have many friends in that class with me. Spanish may be a little difficult since I haven’t remembered much material, but I’m going to be jumping back on the learning curb next Tuesday. I’m sure that for World History, we’ll have to be learning at a very quick pace since we’re covering such a large time span. Biology will be a very interesting class for sure, but BIM I believe will be my favorite. I love the use of technology and being able to use technology to your own advantage. Finally, pre AP Geometry will be a blast.